Philippe Jeanneaux

Philippe Jeanneaux


Campus agronomique

Département d’enseignement :  Territoires et sociétés

Unité de recherche : UMR Territoires

N°ORCID : 0000-0001-8715-9185

N°identifiant HAL : 645035

  • Jeanneaux, P., Lherm, M., Boulleau, T., (2019). Les transformations de l’agriculture auvergnate : l’influence réciproque des politiques agricoles et des stratégies des filières. Revue d’Auvergne, n°628-629, 2018 3-4, pp 147-180.
  • Jeanneaux, P. (2018) Agriculture numérique : quelles conséquences sur l’autonomie de la décision des agriculteurs ? Agronomie, Environnement et société, Vol.8, N°1, Juin 2018, pp. 13-22.
  • Dakpo, H., Desjeux, Y., Jeanneaux, P., & Latruffe, L., (2018), Productivity, technical efficiency and technological change in French agriculture during 2002-2015: a Färe-Primont index decomposition using group frontiers and meta-frontier, Applied Economics, vol. 51, n° 11. pp. 1166-1182, pp.1-17 DOI: 10.1080/00036846.2018.1524982
  • Jeanneaux, P.,Capitaine, M. (2018). PerfCuma: A framework to manage the sustainable development of small cooperatives. International Journal of Farm Management: 7 (1): 1-12.
  • Dakpo, H., Latruffe, L., Déjeux, Y., Mosnier, C., Veysset, P., Jeanneaux, P. (2018). Three decades of productivity change in French beef production: A Färe-Primont index decomposition. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics: 62 (3): 352-372.
  • Jeanneaux, P. (2018), Stratégie des filières fromagères sous AOP en Europe – Modes de régulation et performance économique, Editions QUAE, Update Sciences & technologies, 140 p. (ISBN : 978-2-7592-2906-2)
  • Dakpo H., Jeanneaux P., Latruffe L. (2017) Greenhouse gas emissions and efficiency in French sheep meat farming: A non-parametric framework of pollution-adjusted technologies. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 44 (1):33-65,
  • Jeanneaux , P. (2017). Digital agriculture: the end of farmer’s decision-making? SDSC Chair – UMR INRA SAD-APT Seminar ‘Changes in sustainable organization and food sector management: Technical and organizational innovations and contractualization. Paris, France, June 1-2, 2017, 11.
  • Jeanneaux , P., Déjeux, Y., Enjolras, G., Latruffe, L. (2017). Farm value evaluation: Methods and Challenges. In IFMA (ed), 21st IFMA Congress, Session Labour force of the future – 2nd -7th July 2017. Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 15.
  • Jeanneaux , P. and Mélo, A. (2017). Social Capital as a specific common good: Application to PDO Comté economic performance XVI° Biennial IASC Conference Practicing the Commons – 10-14 July 2017. Utrecht – The Netherlands.
  • Jeanneaux P., (2016). Crise et fin de l’exploitation agricole familiale française. Pouvoirs Locaux I/2016: 88-96.
  • Capitaine, M. and Jeanneaux, P. (2016). Agriculture en Mouvement – Innovations stratégiques et performance globale. Dijon: Educagri Editions, Collection Chemins Durables, 120 pages.
  • Dakpo H., Jeanneaux Ph., Latruffe L., (2016) Modelling pollution-generating technologies in performance benchmarking: Recent developments, limits and future prospects in the nonparametric framework, European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), 04/2016; 250(2):347-359. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2015.07.024